At least one melee weapon should have replaced the 'Survival Knife' aka Kitchen Knife since it was mostly useless in head to head combat and was just a stealth thing. As i said I found some of the game play a bit uneven, melee combat being the primary loser It was mostly non-existent and downright **** at times with the Axe the only melee worthy weapon but downside being a one hit break. Collectibles were fun and worth the time fleshing story and giving usable rewards for exploring. Voice acting was competent and well done for the most part, sometimes too good as the in game characters models were not as expressive and the dialogue was not the best either. The game-play a little uneven at times makes up for it's flaws by allowing a very fluid combination of stealth and shooter, added with a good amount of weapon choices kept my play-through engaging. Personally I felt the horror elements were a little stronger than the action-shooter elements in the over all story, which was a good thing. Which brings me to my next point, the story was well paced with it's flow even though I did not play the first game I got a pretty good grip on where Sebastian was coming from and got into his motivations comfortably. But as the game went on we see the cracks in his psyche brought about by his life, his failures and his fears loved the few instances we spend in Beacon since I did not play the original game. Sebastian had some interesting shoes to fill, initially he seemed pretty one note I honestly lost count of how many times he said 'What the Hell'. Though the graphics were not exceptional, but it was competent enough to support the excellent Art Design. The enemy design, character design, environment, boss design, weapon design you name it was all high praiseworthy.

This was hands down the best aspect of the game. Just think playing Liam Neeson from 'Taken' through a horrifying and haunting world with a sprinkle of Inception thrown in, It's a pretty good combination. Even though the game-play is uneven at times the excellence in Art design and above average game mechanics keep it from being a failure. TL DR - Sebastian is a compelling character and his motivations are understandable. The Evil Within 2 satisfied my want to quite the extent. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.Īfter my play through for RE 2 I was itching for some more Horror TPS.