The structure of Resource.cfg file allow you to create up to 5 levels of subdirectories into the Mods folder. Btw, if you have problems and the game doesn't load your custom contents, try to move it together with Mods folder to Programs/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 World Adventure. Step 1: In the startup menu, Go to- DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 3 Or type in Electronic Arts in the search bar. You don't need to move this file into Programs/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 World Adventure folder, the game read it even if placed into Programs/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3. This file is compatible with World Adventure. The Sims 3.app > Contents > Resources > transgaming > c_drive > Program Files > Electronic Arts > The Sims 3. The path to find the right folder should be something like this Resource.cfg file is the same and both the folder where insert it is the same. Keep Resource.cfg from your desktop and insert it on Programs/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3.Usually it should be on Programs/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 of the hard drive where you've installed the game (default is C:). After you get it, it must be placed in the Mods folder (My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods).It doesnt overwrite anything, but allows the game to read. package files, is an additional file you have to download and cannot be found in the game. WHERE IS INSTALLED not in the saves folder on Documents. The Resource.cfg file we are referring to for the installation of.

After youve installed any custom content or mods such as default replacements or game mods.